Alle aktuellen Informationen erhalten Sie auf der Homepage unseres vorläufigen Insolvenzverwalters.
Rechtsanwalt Dr. Malte Köster.
» Hier klicken [ WILLMERKÖSTER ]
Rechtsanwalt Dr. Malte Köster.
» Hier klicken [ WILLMERKÖSTER ]

This is what distinguishes CO.NET:
- CO.NET Verbrauchergenossenschaft eG is a consumer cooperative that founded in 2001
- Contract term: Only 5 years for single participation
- Full membership starting at 4 business shares
- Monthly investment option starting at EUR 25 per month
- Cooperative dividend payout: More than 6 percent p.a. (average since inception)
- Shopping benefits from many trading partners compared to normal prices
- CO.NET MasterCard® with DiRa® system
- No obligation to make additional contributions
Let the CO.NET benefits convince you!